About the Thoughts for Ewe cartoons

Whilst living in London my body became severerly crippled with arthritis. Being only 28, I  felt unamused about my future. Frustrated with the normal procedures and healing advice I chose to pursue my own inner healing journey and was able to release this disease. The transformation was so immediate that I was able to use my physical body again. I followed this up by going to Israel to work in the Negev dessert at a Shepherd. This life altering experience sent me on the path to question life and understand more. 

The "Thoughts for Ewe " series came out of this searching.

I became intrigued with thoughts & their shapes. & their density, as well as their patterns... many questions arose!

  • What does a habitual thought look like?
  • How does a stubborn thought lock its self in?
  • How do our combined  thoughts work in relationships? etc... 
When the "Thoughts" series began, I could see that the images were teaching me to view thoughts as if they were outside the mind. The significance of this is that when a cartoon shows us thoughts outside of us, it has a visual awareness and empowerment that helps us understand that between the mind and the thought is a gap (mind the gap!) In this gap is the opportunity to choose a much better feeling or thought - and in doing so this changes our destiny!

I valued this series of cartoons as my greatest series. I enjoy the lightness and play of the other series, but I feel the "Thoughts" series offers awareness to individuals and collectively to communities.

Mission statement: To create products that are light (Laughter, joy) or enlightening (awareness).

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